
This post will stay at the top, and will eventually serve as an index.
Warning: if the work-in-progress to be posted below were a movie, it would probably be rated 'R'.
May also contain politics. To that end, I remind the reader of Niven's Law: "There is a technical, literary term for people who mistake the opinions of a character in a book for those of the author. This term is 'idiot'."
Comments attempting to engage fictional characters in political dialogs will be ignored, deleted, or ridiculed, depending on the mood of the author. Otherwise, Comments of all non-commercial sorts are welcomed.
Copyright and all other rights (other than first digital publication, will be happening right here over the course of the months) reserved by me.
Index:Chapter One: Five Years After Christmas
Chapter Two: Seattle
Chapter Three: Shouter Studies
Chapter Four: VancouverChapter Five: Invaders
Chapter Six: Seoul
Chapter Seven: The Pontification of Moss Landing
Chapter Eight: Taipei
Chapter Nine: Rites of Spring
Chapter Ten: Istambul
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