Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well, clearly this didn't work out like I'd wanted. Considering why...

1. Real life intruding. Sure, but it isn't like it didn't last time, when I managed to win.

2. Insufficient outlining. The place where I petered out just happened to be the same as where my (mid-detail) outline stopped. Which, come to think of it, happened year before last. I think that if I don't have a complete outline ready by Nov 1 next year, I'll throw out the whole thing and write a completely different story. Maybe the sequel to (read 'rest of') the 2005 book, since I've still got that outlined out. Or maybe something entirely extemporaneous. A full outline or none at all; a partial one looks like a serious liability.

3. Lack of confidence in the story. Basically, I was forever in the mood for more action and tension than the format or characters would allow. My own dislike of what was written is why...

4. Lack of feedback. much less of an issue than it would have been. I was hoping to get a handful of comments here, but that never happened.


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